Last night Swayzee would not get in the tub with Addi so she was playing in the other room. As I was getting Addi out of the tub, I heard a huge bang and scream. I ran in the living room and Swayzee was face down screaming hysterically. I was in denial about the whole thing. Deep down I knew something was wrong because she really is a tough kid and usually gets over things pretty quick. But a half hour later, she wouldn't stop screaming. So I called my mother-in-law and asked her to come over and look at her just like the last broken arm. She told me to take her over because she could tell by that cry that something was wrong. I really didn't want to, we were there with her just a couple months ago. Surely it couldn't be another broken bone. So Weston and I haul her over and long story short and a whole lot of crying later...she broke her collar bone. I don't know exactly what happened. All I can get out of her is, "My jump on your green couch." She is in a lot of pain...but doing her best to be brave. She keeps telling me she is sorry and it brakes my heart!! Poor thing, and I keep thinking if I had just made her get in the tub with Addison, it never would have happened!
7 years ago
Poor thing! :( It amazes me how kids can be so fearless. Hagen is always climbing on or jumping off something. I am amazed that we haven't had to take him to the ER. We have been very lucky I guess. Hope Swayze is feeling better.
Sorry to hear about Swayze! That is a terrible bone to break. Let me know if you need any help or a break while she is getting better!
2 broken arms?? Wow! She must be fearless! Poor thing. Kids are sooo crazy!
Darn it! Sorry I am a little late leaving a comment but that is a real bummer. Hope she is feeling a lot better by now though.
OH MY GOSH!!! This is so sad but adorable!
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