Thursday, December 16, 2010

I love this time of year!! And these two little girls make it so much more fun!!

These two little girls are my life! I love being able to stay home with them. They are so innocent. It's fun to see them change and learn the little simple things in life. Swayzee is so smart and doing very well in preschool. She caught on to writing her name so fast and is kind of a perfectionist at it. She will practice and redo it until it meets her requirements. She loves to write all her cousins names. I will write them at the top of a paper and she will copy them. She gets so excited and is very proud when she completes all the names (which takes a while...there is a lot)! She turned 4 in November which makes me feel really old!

Addison just turned 2! She is so mature and grown up! She loves to do anything Swayzee does. She copies everything she does! All of the sudden she thinks she needs to go potty, and does pretty good at it considering I haven't pushed her one bit. It was all her idea. She talks... ALOT!! I can understand pretty much anything she is trying to say. She loves babies and barbies which is opposite of her older sisiter. Swayzee has absolutely no interest in either one. She loves to count and sing all the preschool and Christmas songs we are learning right now and picks up the words really fast! She loves to dress up and dance. I need to get it on film...(SO CUTE)!

We are about to add baby...and girl #3 to our family. My doctor told us anytime after Christmas. Weston wants to wait and have the New Year baby. But in my mind, the sooner the better. I am ready to have my body back!! We are excited!!


Tanya said...

Your girls are so cute! Congrats on the new addition! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

The Barton Bunch said...

Hope everything goes well with the delivery of your new baby girl. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Merry Christmas!

Riley and Brittney said...

She's adorable!! Congrats!!