Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No More Binki!!

This is Addison and her cousin Boston and the swimming pool this summer. This is about the last picture we took of Addison before we took that binki away! Yahoo!! At about 19 months, we decided it was time. We tried the same trick we used on Swayzee and it worked! We're two for two with this stratedy. It was an accident at first. I couldn't find it one afternoon for the 70th time. I was sick of keeping track of it and decided she needs to be done! She called it her "B." After I looked for about 1 minute, she asked, "Mommy, my B." I replied the puppy ate it. And seriously this is the response I got...After she giggled for a second, she said, "Puppy B. Silly puppy!" And that was that! She would ask a couple times a day for a while, but never threw a fit. We would get the same response every time! Way too easy!! The whole binki thing might be my favorite reason for having a dog!! Now...if only potty-training could be that easy!

1 comment:

miss dawn said...

Yeah Addi!!! I love it! I miss the girls! Tell them I love them! By the way this picture is so cute!